Bus service is provided to Catholic Schools through the state and managed by East Baton Rouge Parish Schools. Students in K - 8 may choose to ride the bus if they reside within the geographical boundaries of St. Aloysius Church Parish. All buses drop off and pick up by the Administration Office.
Carpooling parents should use the three designated front parking lots in the morning and in the afternoon.
All children, PreK-8, must be dropped off at the designated site.
No students are to be dropped off or picked up by the KC Hall or the Administration Building.
Carpool will be dropped off and picked up in the following areas adjacent to Stuart Avenue:
Entrance A/Exit B Lot- Grades PreK, K, and 1 (and those riding with PreK, K, and 1)- carpool area nearest football field
Entrance C Lot- Grades 2, 3, and 4 (and those riding with 2, 3 and 4)- Middle Carpool Lot
Entrance D Lot- Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8- Church Office Lot
*Click here for the 2023-2024 Carpool Map.
Faculty and staff members are on duty from 7:15 am to 7:40 am for our morning carpoolers. After 7:40, a parent must walk students to the office if they are tardy.
Bike Riders
Bicycles should be locked to the rack on the paved area to the rear of the cafeteria. Riders must wait until buses are dismissed before leaving. Bikes are to be WALKED while on school property.
Students who live within one mile of St. Aloysius School are the only students allowed to walk to school. Students who arrive to campus on Mimosa Street are escorted by a crossing guard at arrival and dismissal.