Home and School Committee
The SAS Home & School Committee furthers the school’s vision through a flexible combination of volunteer ministry, education, and special events. A core leadership of three parent volunteers commits to three years of staggered service operating the Home & School Committee by overseeing the efforts of various subcommittees and acting as liaisons between the subcommittees and the administration as needed. With over 20 volunteer subcommittees, SAS parents are given varied opportunities to serve in school activities, meet other parents, and become active participants in the school’s community. Parents involved in H&S support the school’s mission and collaborate with St. Aloysius School to provide the extra support that goes into "educating the whole child in the Catholic tradition for a life of meaning and purpose". We are so grateful for our subcommittee co-chairs as well as our parents and grandparents who have signed up to participate in the Home & School efforts and encourage others to become a part of this volunteer program! Click here to sign up for H&S subcommittees. The link will be deactivated on September 30, but you can sign up for any subcommittee at any time during the rest of the year by contacting the H&S Committee. The H&S Committee can be reached by email at the following address: sas.home.and.school.committee@gmail.com
Home and School Informational Letter
See the list of Subcommittee Volunteer Opportunities here.
See the Structure of Subcommittees here.
Rebecca Valluzzo, Co-Chairperson
Mollie Carby, Co-Chairperson
Allison Pham, Co-Chairperson
School Advisory Committee
The purpose of the advisory committee is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Pastor and Principal and further the mission of St. Aloysius School in a manner consistent with Diocesan and state guidelines and directives so that students may be educated in the Catholic tradition for a life of meaning and purpose. Each parent brings to us a specialty from their daily lives and shares this
wisdom with our school.
The Principal and Pastor appoint members for a term of three years.
We hope you share constructive suggestions with our committee members to enhance our meeting discussions. Please remember that speaking with a committee member about a school issue does not replace taking a concern to your child’s teacher, guidance counselor, or Administration.
School Advisory Committee Members 2023-2024
Fr. Randy Cuevas, Pastor
Erin Candilora, Principal
Chris Funes, M.D. - Term Ends 2024
Former Parent, Parishioner
Specialty - Health and Safety
Garrett Hiebert – Term Ends 2026
5th, 7th, and 8th Parent
Specialty – Finance/Facilities
Nancy Keaton (Chairperson)- Term Ends 2024
7th grade Parent
Specialty - Finance
Alecia Mancuso - Term Ends 2024
8th grade Parent
Specialty – Education/Technology
Allison Pham - Term Ends 2025
5th and 8th Grade Parent
Specialty- Legal
Samantha Rauber- Term Ends 2025
1st and 7th Grade Parent
Specialty- Mental Health
Jenny Richey – Term Ends 2026
1st, 4th, and 7th Grade Parent
Specialty – Legal/Wellness Coach
Meg Thomassie – Term Ends 2026
4th and 7th Grade Parent
Specialty – Public Relations
Eric Waechter -Term Ends 2025
4th and 6th Grade Parent
Specialty- Finance/Athletics