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As a Catholic school rooted in Gospel values and the charism of the Daughters of Jesus, SAS has an excellent religion program that fulfills the school’s mission “to educate the whole child in the Catholic tradition for a life of meaning and purpose.” The program focuses on history, doctrine, prayer, and service.

As a fully incorporated subject area, religion is taught daily allowing for on-going focus and practice.  All teachers are considered catechists and are mandated through word and example to infuse students with Gospel values. Diocesan approved curriculum materials enhance each student’s understanding of church and community, sacramental life, service to others, and the importance of prayer. Students are able to deepen their relationship with Jesus by participating in grade level retreats, Liturgical celebrations, reconciliation, and prayer.  Students share their faith with other students through Come Lord Jesus, Prayer Partners, and other cross-grade level activities.

Students live out their faith through service. Service projects that engage the student in a meaningful way instill an understanding of and commitment to living the Beatitudes.  School service projects include monthly food drives for the Baton Rouge Food Bank, school-wide recycling, and Rice Bowl collections for Catholic Relief Services.  In addition, each grade level plans, promotes, and implements their own service project each year.  These projects teach students responsibility to those in need and stewardship of their environment. Click here for a list of service projects that our students participate in each year. 

Understanding the gift of our Catholic faith prepares students to advance in Christian living, civic responsibility, charitable works, and spirituality that reinforces each student’s sense of morality. 

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